Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 31: She's Out of My League (2010)

I failed to see this in theatres, and was waiting for it's DVD release. My main desire to see it was for Jay Baruchel, and I was hoping the film would lean more to the comedy side of the romantic-comedy spectrum.

The premise is simple: an average guy, Kirk, meets a "perfect 10" woman, Molly, they start dating, but lack of confidence and family and friend's influence quickly erode the relationship. Sadly, the film tires to overcompensate for the romantic aspect of the film by filling in with crash and crude humour from Kirk's friends. The film changes from the ridiculous and silly to gag-me-with-a-spoon romance from scene to scene. The characters are incredibly one-dimensional, especially Kirk's family and friends. Despite the film's overall cliche message that beauty is not just on the outside, they fail to establish why Molly is interested in Kirk, besides that's he funny. This is an example of the Seth Rogen complex - only in Hollywood movies is funny enough to win the girl. In a film that is all about the loser getting the perfect 10, shouldn't they at least try to convince the audience it's feasible? While it's not the worst romantic-comedy out there, and, actually, considering the many many terrible romantic-comedies out there, it's not the worst; but it's far from great.

1 comment:

  1. I actually thoroughly enjoyed this movie, and am surprised by your reaction. I think you're reacting to the flips between humour and romance interestingly, as this is basically a guy's movie masquerading as a chick flick. That being said, I didn't find it overly crude at all, and in fact found myself laughing out loud consistently throughout, which doesn't happen all that often.
