Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 21: The A-Team (2010)

This summer is seems that we are getting three versions of this movie genre - that of the elite rogue hard-down-by group of trained soldiers. First we had The Losers, now we have The A-Team, and later this summer we'll be getting The Expendables. Three films within such a closely defined genre in one summer suggests not only lack of thought and originally in Hollywood, but also that the films are likely to be less then stellar. I saw The Losers last month, and enjoyed it thoroughly. I was less inclined to see The A-Team, mainly due to having never seen the TV series and knowing little about it; but after the recommendation by a friend, I decided to give it a try. Perhaps because The Losers and The A-Team are based on previous stories (a comic series in one case, and a TV series in the other) that they are able to not be constrained by the genre and actually create good movies.

I am not a fan of this trend of remaking 80's TV series and movies. It's only been 20 years, and we're already recycling material? What's next - the new and updated version of Intolerance or Citizen Kane? That being said, I was disappointed that the film was as enjoyable as it was because the more successful these remakes are the more likely they will continue.

I was glad to be able watch the film knowing nothing about the series and not feel like I was missing out on the story. Undoubtedly knowing the story would add value to the viewing experience, but it was not necessary. The film opens in Mexico, where we get to see how the four characters meet and come together. We then jump 8 years forward to where the A-Team is working as an Army covert Alpha team in Iraq with 80 successful missions completed. They are given a new mission, which goes awry and they are framed for; resulting in them escaping from prison and attempting to clear their names. The rest is all explosions, killing people and insane plans that miraculously work. The film is a summer action film - it knows what it is, and it doesn't try to be anything more. Not only is the film a fun action film, but it's actually really funny to boot. I was gladly surprised at how entertaining the film was, and am looking forward to The Expendables being enjoyable as well to complete the trifecta.

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