Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 8: Bande à part / Band of Outsiders (1964)

After dinner and drinks with my brother and my friend, we went back to his place and decided to watch another Criterion DVD. In my time at film school, I was never taught about the French New Wave, and the only French New Wave film we were ever shown was 10 minutes from Breathless and that was for its use of the city, not its place with FNW. So, sadly, my knowledge of and viewing history of FNW is severely lacking, but that just leaves more room for me to watch them on my own.

Watching Band of Outsiders was a delight. I was particularly impressed (as I always am when this occurs) by Godard's ability to make the viewer aware that they are watching a film without having it detract from the viewing experience. The "minute of silence" scene was brilliant, though I wish it had lasted a full minute, and seeing the madison scene finally made the Thurman and Travolta scene in Pulp Fiction make sense. Overall, I enjoyed the trip through 1960's Paris and the joy that Godard clearly took in filming the film.

I need to continue watching/reading up on FNW, I think 400 Blows will be watched in the near future.

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