Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 95: Traffic (2000)

Somehow I managed to miss viewing this when it first came out, might be due to the fact that I was 14 at the time. I've had it on Criterion for awhile now, but for whatever reason, never picked it up to watch.

"For someone my age, it's a lot easier to get drugs than it is to get alcohol." This line, spoken by one of the high school students in the film, expresses the point of the film - the war on drugs doesn't make it harder to get drugs, it just creates a much higher cost for them. Not only a financial cost, but a cost of lives as well. The film traces the drug trade from the bottom to the top of the supply chain, illustrating three stories effected by the drug trade. The film doesn't attempt to preach a message, it simply portrays stories and lets the viewer come to their own conclusion. The film might reinforced already existing believes on the illegality of the drug trade, or it might change them.

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