Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 51: Inception (2010)

The film I've been waiting all year to see - the only summer release this year I really wanted to see. Caught it with my dad in London, Ontario. The theater was empty! We went at 8pm on Friday, the opening night, and there were only 4 or 5 other people in the theater. Was so weird.

Technology exists in the future in which your mind can be broken into while you sleep, and ideas can be stolen from you. There is also the notion of inception, which is the inserting of an idea into someone's head, though it is sad to be impossible to do. That's enough of a synopsis, you should see the film without knowing too much about it.

This was one of the smartest films I've seen in a while, and it actually made the viewer think. It requires a very active viewing, with viewers paying very close attention. It would probably require numerous viewings to fully understand. The film has it all: good writing, an original concept, great actors, and good special effects that don't overdue it. This film will easily be on the best film list this year, and is worth checking out. Due yourself a favor and read as little as possible about the film before seeing it - let yourself discover it for yourself.

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