Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 106: The Pink Panther (1963)

As I stood scanning my shelves of DVDs, I was stuck by this film. I remember when I was a kid, my father rented a number of films in the Pink Panther series to watch, and being a fan of the Pink Panther cartoon I was intrigued. Having no real recollection of the film aside from it being about a jewel theft and an incompetent police detective, I decided it was time to shake off some of those mental cobwebs and watch it again.

Sidenote: I just want to comment on how I hate Hollywood's remaking of films. There is nothing wrong with this film that needed to be perfected in the 2006 relaunch. What irks me even more is that the 2006 version is not even a direct remake, but a "relaunch" of the franchise. If you are going to relaunch a franchise, at least have the common decency not to use the exact same title. This recent trend to reuse film titles for two different films in the same franchise (or the also popular dropping of the word "the" from a previous title to make a new one) is infuriating! Two different films with the same exact title in the same franchise is possibly the most absurd thing ever. I can't even explain how faulty and backward-thinking this logic is. It needs to stop.

Peter Sellers is a fantasict comedian, and steals the show as Inspector Clouseau.

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