Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 102: Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981)

One of my favourite pieces of movie trivia is: What was the first movie printed to DVD? (Answer: Twister). My next question is always: What was the second? Since I'm asking in this post, it is pretty clear it is Mad Max 2. What's interesting, at least in my opinion, is that while Twister has been reprinted, making it hard to find that original DVD, Mad Max 2 has not, meaning you can see the second DVD Menu ever made (I've pasted it below). You can tell that WB had no idea what to do with the Menu, and simply filled it with options. They forgot the most obvious option though - the play movie button. You need to go to "Jump to a Scene" and from there choose Start Movie. It's an artifact of a technology we take for granted today, and is quite interesting in my opinion.

As for the film itself, it was an improvement over the first. This one, taking some time after the first film, features Max riding alone in the desert when he comes upon a small group of people who have managed to secure and operate a refining rig and are producing gasoline - a rarity. A biker gang is threatening them, and Max steps in to help them get their gasoline and themselves to the coast where they'll be safe. There is a lot more action to this film, and less attempt at a story, with some great shots of the Australian back. I still don't see what all the fuss about Mad Max is all about though.

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