Thursday, May 27, 2010

A film a day

I am going to attempt to watch 365 films in 365 days.


I have long wanted to do this, and I have decided now is the time to try. In 2007, I started keeping track of all the films I watched on my other blog, and I was both surprised and shocked to see how many films I watch in a year. In 2008 I watched 181 films, and in 2009 I watched 129 films; yet over the course of two years that only totals 310 films, 55 less than films that I intend to watch in twice as long. My task is daunting, but that just makes it worth doing.

Why now?

It just seems like a good time to start. I graduate from my undegrad in a week, with a dual major in History and Film. Looking back over the last two years I realize that a lot of the films I've seen are in Film classes, and since I have decided to pursue law school and not an MA in Film, I am going to lost a lot of film viewing. The idea that I'll watch significantly less films this year over the last two does not sit well with me, so this is my attempt to fill that void. As well, I am an avid TV viewer, but with the last season finale airing on the 27th (DAY 1), I figured it was best to get this started and get into the rhythm of things when I didn't have TV to distract me from it.


1) I will watch at least 1 film a day for a year (from May 27th, 2010 to May 27th, 2011).

2) If for some reason I can't watch a film one day, I must catch up by watching two films another day following the day I couldn't watch it. (Meaning that I can't stock up by viewing 5 films one day and then skipping 5 days.)

3) I will post something about the films on this blog. It may be as little as one sentence, though hopefully it will often be more. I realize that 2 hours a day is already a lot of time out of my life to devote to this, I'm not sure how much I can devote to writing lengthy film reviews, but I will post something.


That's pretty much it. I'm aware that it is highly likely that I'll not finish, but I have to try, and so we begin...

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